We praise you, we bless you    

1) We praise Thee, we bless Thee, our Savior divine,
All pow’r and dominion forever be Thine;
We sing of Thy mercy with joyful acclaim;
For Thou hast redeemed us; all praise to Thy name;
For Thou hast redeemed us; all praise to Thy name.

2) All honor and praise to Thine excellent name;
Thy love is unchanging, forever the same;
We bless and adore Thee, O Savior and King;
With joy and thanksgiving, Thy praises we sing;
With joy and thanksgiving, Thy praises we sing.

3) The strength of the hills, and the depths of the sea,
The earth and its fullness, belong unto Thee;
And yet to the lowly Thou bendest Thine ear,
So ready their humble petitions to hear;
So ready their humble petitions to hear.

4) Thine infinite goodness our tongues shall employ;
Thou givest us richly all things to enjoy;
We’ll follow Thy footsteps, we’ll rest in Thy love,
And soon we shall praise Thee in mansions above;
And soon we shall praise Thee in mansions above.

Text: , ,
Melodie: (1852)
CCLI-Nr.: 1042389

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