Poor man Lazrus    

1) Poor man Lazarus, sick and disabled,
dip your finger in the water;
come and cool my tongue,
'cause I'm tormented in the flame!
He had to eat crumbs from the rich man's table
dip your finger in the water;
come and cool my tongue,
'cause I'm tormented in the flame!

Ref.: I'm tormented in the flame!
I'm tormented in the flame!
Dip your finger in the water;
come and cool my tongue,
'cause I'm tormented in the flame!

2) Rich man Divies, he lived so well.
Dip your finger in the water;
come and cool my tongue,
'cause I'm tormented in the flame!
And when he died, he went straight to hell.
Dip your finger in the water;
come and cool my tongue,
'cause I'm tormented in the flame!

3) I love to shout, I love to sing.
Dip your finger in the water;
come and cool my tongue,
'cause I'm tormented in the flame!
I love to praise my heavenly King.
Dip your finger in the water;
come and cool my tongue,
'cause I'm tormented in the flame!


Das Lied "Poor man Lazrus" ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Singt das Lied der Lieder 2 53  SCM  Amazon
Songs junger Christen 3 215  SCM  Amazon
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