Oh, hand me down    

Ref.: O, hand me down (Hand me down)
Hand me down (hand me down)
Hand me down my silver trumpet Gabriel
Hand it down, Throw it down,
Any old way, just get it down
Hand me down my silver trumpet Lord

1) If life were a thing that mony could buy,
hand me down my silver trumpet, Gabriel,
the rich would live and the poor would die,
hand me down my silver trumpet Lord.

2) The Lord he would not have it so,
hand me down my silver trumpet, Gabriel,
The rich must die just the same as the poor
hand me down my silver trumpet Lord.


Das Lied "Oh, hand me down spiritual" ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Farbenfroh 65  Amazon
Jesus Songs 1 31  Amazon
Songs junger Christen 169  Amazon
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