Heavenly father, I appreciate You    

1) Heavenly Father, I appreciate You.
Heavenly Father, I appreciate You.
I love You, adore You, I bow down before You.
Heavenly Father, I appreciate You.

2) Son of God, what a wonder You are.
Son of God, what a wonder You are.
You cleansed my soul from sin,
You set the Holy Ghost within.
Son of God, what a wonder You are.

3) Holy Spirit, what a comfort You are.
Holy Spirit, what a comfort You are.
You lead us, you guide us,
You live right inside us.
Holy Spirit, what a comfort You are.


Das Lied "Heavenly father, I appreciate You" ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

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Ich will dir danken! 4  SCM  Amazon
Songs of Fellowship 1 160  Amazon
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