Goin to lay down my burden    

1) Goin' to lay down my burden,
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
goin' to lay down my burden,
down by the riverside,
and study no more and more.

Ref.: Ain't goin' to grieve my Lord no more,
ain't goin' to grieve my Lord no more,
ain't goin' to grieve my Lord no more,
ain't goin' to grieve my Lord no more,
ain't goin' to grieve my Lord no more,
ain't goin' to grieve my Lord no more,

2) Goin’ to lay down my sword and shield,
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
Goin’ to lay down my sword and shield,
down by the riverside,
and study no more and more.

3) Goin’ to try on my long white robe
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
Goin’ to try on my long white robe
down by the riverside,
and study no more and more.

4) Goin’ to try on my stary crown
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
down by the riverside,
Goin’ to try on my stary crown
down by the riverside,
and study no more and more.


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