Give me a sight, O Saviour    

1) Give me a sight, O Savior,
Of Thy wondrous love to me,
Of the love that bro’t Thee down to earth,
To die on Calvary.

Ref.: Oh, make me understand it,
Help me to take it in,
What it meant to Thee, the Holy One,
To bear away my sin.

2) Was it the nails, O Savior,
That bound Thee to the tree?
Nay, 'twas Thine everlasting love,
Thy love for me, for me.

3) Oh, wonder of all wonders,
That thro’ Thy death for me,
My open sins, my secret sins,
Can all forgiven be.

4) Then melt my heart, O Savior,
Bend me, yea, break me down,
Until I own Thee Conqueror,
And Lord and Sov'reign crown.

CCLI-Nr.: 507045

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