Everybody shout and sing    

Ref.: Everybody shout and sing!
Move your body, dance and swing!
Come on, lift your voice,
let your heart rejoice,
praising the almighty King!

1) Praise him at the dawning of the day
Praise him every hour and every way
While the sun is shining bright
And also through the darkest night
Men and women, girls and boys
Everybody lift your voice

2) Praise him on the trumpets and the strings
Praise him, let the bells and cymbals ring
The drums, piano and guitar
He’ll hear you, no matter where you are
With tambourines we’ll make a noise
And everybody lift your voice

2) Praise him, tiny flowers, mighty trees
Praise him, lift your hands on bended knees
Giant eagles spread their wings
And the tiny sparrow sings
Oh listen to the joyful noise
Everybody lift your voice

Everybody move your body
Everybody move your body
Everybody shout

Everybody lift up your voice
Lift up your voice
Lift up your voice

Die Abdruckerlaubnis für dieses Lied wurde uns von Friedhelm Krenz zur Verfügung gestellt.
Text: (1998)
Melodie: (1998)
CCLI-Nr.: 6253815

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