There Is A Name I Love To Hear (The Saviour's Name)    

1) There is a name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
it sounds like music in my ear,
the sweetest name on earth.

Ref.: O how I love the Saviour's name,
O how I love the Saviour's name,
O how I love the Saviour's name,
the sweetest name on earth.

2) It tells me of a Savior's love,
who died to set me free;
it tells me of his precious blood,
the sinner's perfect plea.

3) It tells of one whose loving heart
can feel my deepest woe;
who in each sorrow bears a part
that none can bear below.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Den Namen hör ich gar so gern
Text: (1855)
Melodie: (1946)
CCLI-Nr.: 853160

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