Christliche Liederdatenbank    

I put my trust in Jesus

Ref.: I put my trust in Jesus
Build my life upon his word
I put my trust in Jesus
'cause I believe the news I’ve heard
I put my trust in Jesus
I know his words are true
I put my trust in Jesus
And I suggest the same to you

Used to be a loser, a child without a home
Searching for a real friend and still left all alone
Then I heard the message about Jesus Christ the King
And he started changing everything

There are many reasons to offer songs of praise
Make my life a sacrifice to his power and his grace
He came down from heaven and he gave his life for me
So that I might live eternally

Don’t put your trust in feelings
They’ll surely fade away
Don’t put your trust in people
What they mean ain’t what they say (sometimes)
Don’t put your trust in fortune
Don’t put your trust in health
Don’t put your trust in shootin’ stars
And never put your trust in wealth
Don’t put your trust in power
Or the glory that you gain
They won’t reach the other world
And your life will be in vain
Don’t put your trust in idols
Made of flesh or made of stone
Don’t put your trust in anything
But in Jesus Christ alone

Just put your trust in Jesus
Build your life upon his word
Just put your trust in Jesus
And believe the news you’ve heard
Just put your trust in Jesus
You’ll know his words are true
Just put your trust in Jesus
'cause it’s the best for you to do

Die Abdruckerlaubnis für dieses Lied wurde uns von Friedhelm Krenz zur Verfügung gestellt.

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Singt das Lied der Lieder 4 28  SCM  Amazon
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